понедельник, 6 июня 2016 г.

Promotional page | Team Llewxam is recruiting | Join us now!


Valhalla News reporting!
Summoners! The world is in danger! 

Maxwell-chan favorite Tree Yggdrasil ran away from home naked and now she is collecting an army of old perverts to destroy the world!
Help Maxwell-chan and Llewxam-chan! Get rid the of them and receive various bonuses! The more wood you cut and the more perverts you slain, the better rewards shall you receive! Join us now!

Here's 3 steps of "what you need to do":

Step#1 - Choose your banner

Express your love and faith by using this banner in your forum signature or somewhere else!

Our special spy and elite agent "Solid Phobiuz" infiltrated the enemy side and provided us an' exclusive information about #TeamBatoothaFans also known as #TeamOldPerverts or #TeamYggdrasil.

Don't forget to say your thanks to "Solid Phobiuz" for his noble sacrifice and for those images!



Pick one from the images above!

Step#2 - Farm Llewxam dungeon and collect enemy Corruption & Salt, the more Salt & Corruption you collect, the better rewards you shall receive! Don't forget that your own Salt doesn't count!

Dungeon time:
• Starts on:
May 24 2016, 16:00 CEST
• Ends on: June 3 2016, 16:00 CEST

Your fellow Valkyrie already prepared awesome rewads, have a look at them:

List of rewards for the 3 best participiants and contributors!

1st Place rewards: 3 Einherjars of Your Choice.
Also, you will have an opportunity to have a date with our cuties - Maxwell-chan&Llewxam-chan! Also includes rewards from 2nd and 3rd places + Bonus: naked Elimo photo in apron while she's cooking!

2nd Place rewards: 2 Einherjars of Your Choice. + Michelle and Elimo Photo's in swimsuit's and wedding dresses! Don't miss that! + All previous rewards!

3rd Place rewards: 1 Einherjar of Your Choice + PoC -> Photo of Choice! You can pick either Michelle or Elimo and receivea a photo bundle!

Here's a list of Einherjar Waifus that i can summon for you:

#1 Waifu - Miss Elimo!

Miss Elimo is known as the best possible housewife&bride in the entire Grand Gaia! You will be amazed by how kind, caring, smart and beatiful she is! And her cooking skills is no joke either! If you're feeling sick, she will support you with all her powers!

#2 Waifu - Miss Michelle!

Your most desired Tsundere-waifu, she's a little shy, but she's beautiful and strong! While your cowards-friends are staying on rear line, she will join you in front line to help you slain those Salty #TeamYggdrasilMembers!

#3 Waifu - Miss Elza!

The most devoted and crazy one! Be careful, Miss Elza is an extreme yandere, you may get your "brother" cut'ted if you're unfaithful to her! Here's what she told "Valhalla News" in exclusive interview!
Elza: "you can only have one waifu or i will ruin your laifu!"
Valkyrie Note: Elza's cooking skills sucks...but..if you won't eat her food.......some bad things may happen to you....

Wait, i'm getting those letters "But if i'm female, are u trying discriminate us?". By all means, no! I got a set of 3 Einherjar husbandos for you to choose, my beatiful female players! I didn't forget about you!

#1 Husbando - Super Saiyan!

He will shoot over9000 arrows in the enemy knees or arses, just command!

#2 Husbando - Robin Hood!

He will steal all the world treasures just for You and only You. Indiana Jones and Lara Croft are crying in a corner!

#3 Husbando - Kratos!

Kratos is the most faithful person to his family members. Good father and strong fighter, he can protect you when you need it!
Say the word and he will annihilate all your enemies just for You. No one can escape from the fate!

But that's not all! Here's a list of rewards that everyone from Team Llewxam will receive:
• Milestone 1 - 250 points: 1 Burst Emperor + 1 Sphere Frog
• Milestone 2 - 750 points: 2 Burst Emperors + 1 Sphere Frog + 1 Imp Arton
• Milestone 3 - 1500 points: 2 Burst Emperors + 2 Sphere Frogs + 1 Imp Arton + 6 Elemental EXP Crystals (1 of each) + 1 Mermion
• Milestone 4 - 2500 points: 2 Burst Emperors + 2 Sphere Frogs + 2 Imps Arton + 6 Elemental EXP Crystals (1 of each) + 1 Mermion + 1 Mystery Frog + 3 Gems + 1 Super Stronk Team Llewxam exclusive sphere

Don't stop there, get to the final Milestone for DOUBLE REWARDS + RoboFrog + a FREE Einherjar Unit!

• Milestone 5 - 3500 points: 4 Burst Emperors + 4 Sphere Frogs + 4 Imps Arton + 12 Elemental EXP Crystals (2 of each) + 2 Mermion + 2 Mystery Frogs + 6 Gems + 1 Event Sphere + 1 RoboFrog + 1 FREE random Einherjar from the list above!

Here's a look @ our super stronk sphere :
Immaculate Sphere: Boosts all stats (30%) & Boosts Crit damage (80%) & Boosts BB Atk when gauge full (100%) & Chance of Return dmg. when attacked (25%)

It's seems like a lot of people express much Salt regarding this sphere, so we decided to conduct some interviews with famous Brave Frontier individuals!
The first one is Mr.Ark, also known as Oracle Knight:

Our 2nd guest is famous Randall Imperial Guard's commander - Lord Eriole!


Our #3 guest is the most Tsun-Tsun person in all Grand Gaia - Seria-chan!


And our final #4 guest is - The Legendary Hero - Avant!
Mr. Avant was kind enough to talk with us and answer our questions on the phone via Brave Frontier Mobile.


This concludes our exclusive interviews! Blink, we're moving out! .........Blink?........BLINK! STOP THAT MAN AT ALL COSTS!


Sorry for the delay, our dear viewers! It's time for the last step!

Step#3 : Spread the word and contribute to the Justice!
Tell your friends, comrades and family members how cool is to be in #TeamLlewxam.
Recruit more members into our ranks and be ready to help them!​


- originally, i planned this for #TeamYggdrasil and not Llewxam.
- i tried to roleplay BF characters behavior, close to it's originals as much as possible.
- 2 Grammar Nazis was captured and one currently MIA.
- This is my contribution to Brave Frontier 2nd Anniversary.
p.s. I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as i am, while making it.

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